Mr Chimkwechu kwechu (Local Artist from Malawi) Biography




Kumbukani Maximos Mafupa born in 1988. He is a third born child in a family of four, born to Chief Mafupa at kawongozi Village, Traditional Authority Kanyenda in Nkhotakota District. Born in a very poor family

He started his music career at Chigunda Primary School that time he was very young.
first had a door to door Band while seriously practising street music with his friend Kaza in the year 2004.

In 2005 he joined Kawongozi Angalican Choir, that was when he attained enough skills and in 2007 he proceeded to Kachere Angalican Choir as a choir master. In 2008, he moved to lead Chizewu Angalican Choir as a choir Master.
In 2016 while in South Africa seeking greener
pastures, I started practising as a DJ and continued doing my DJ activities while composing and writing songs. It was this time that he changed my name to dj mr Chimkwechu Kwechu.

In 2019 he left for malawi where he distributed T shirts printed with his name “MR. CHIMKWECHU KWECHU”, all These Tshirts were distributed within Nkhata Bay district.
Ahe did a collaboration song with Michael brown titled “Lise”. After coming back to South Africa he contined writing and composing songs. In 2019 When in Malawi he engaged with Aron mbwewu and Njeksi. In that same year 2019 I continued composing songs which were out in 2020.
The first song in 2020 was Called JANET, the second was Called UMWAKA WIDU, the third was called NTHENGWA MFUMBENGI, the fouth was called CORONA VIRUS ,the fifth and the last was AKULUTIYANJI ADA. Till now he have released a total number of five songs.
After producing these five hits with throbs on Watonga Cultural lecturing, the WATONGA WAMNDIMBA honoured me with a title of a Doctor of Tonga people’s Traditional Songs award 2020.

Mr Chimkwechu kwechu

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