In a stunning turn of events, a viral Igbo religion priest, renowned for his senseless challenging the power of Jesus Christ, has now publicly refuted his...
However, amidst the prayers and condolences pouring in for the deceased actor and his colleagues, a controversial comment about their deaths caught the attention of renowned...
“You can’t neglect the Prophetic, It is bigger than you think, my sincere condolence to the families of the bereaved” -says Billionaire Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin...
Billionaire prophet and General Overseer of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry in Warri-Delta State, Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin has slashed over N30 million in charity to reduce the...
In recent days, a fake video has been circulating on social media portraying Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin in a negative light. However, followers of the renowned...
In a significant legal development, Ruth Matthew has been handed a jail sentence for her role in the blackmailing of the Warri-based Mercyland church, presided over...
A trending video of popular Nigerian Prophet, Apostle Johnson Suleman, has taken the internet by storm. The video captures the moment when the Prophet extended...
Afrik TV…reporting to the death of one of Nigeria’s most talented and beloved musicians, Mohbad. In a recent interview, Billionaire Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin expressed his...
Renowned Nigerian pastor, Apostle Johnson Suleman has once again demonstrated his humility, humanity, and love for others by empowering a Nigerian widow with N3m in...
The Yaounde Apostolic Invasion 2023 with Apostle Johnson Suleman was a great success. The event took place at the International Stadium in Cameroon’s capital, Yaounde....